1.   Among the most conspicuous absentees from the lists of nominees were Ligachev, Medvedev and Yakovlev.

2.   Another was Olivier Messiaen, the most conspicuous absentee among recent composers with whom Serkin has been most closely associated.

3.   The most conspicuous absentee from the debate has been Clinton, who in recent weeks has been issuing veto threats with some frequency but not making new proposals.

4.   China is one conspicuous absentee from those talks.

5.   One conspicuous absentee from the Houston race is likely to be A.J. Foyt, a Houston legend whose name is synonymous worldwide with Indy-car racing.

a. + absentee >>共 36
notable 35.59%
only 9.32%
prominent 6.78%
key 5.93%
conspicuous 5.08%
major 2.54%
noticeable 2.54%
other 2.54%
the 2.54%
definite 1.69%
conspicuous + n. >>共 200
absence 4.75%
example 4.15%
exception 4.15%
lack 2.97%
success 2.67%
consumer 2.67%
place 2.67%
absentee 1.78%
display 1.78%
sign 1.78%
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