1.   The consortium is competing with the Digital Television Network, a unit of U.S. telecommunications company NTL Inc., for the right to three blocks of frequencies.

2.   The two consortiums have been competing fiercely to sign up customers for their gas for the last year and a half.

3.   Three consortiums will compete for the contract to build the Alice Springs-to-Darwin rail link, the South Australian and Northern Territory governments announced Wednesday.

4.   Eight other international consortia had competed for the mandate.

5.   Two large consortiums reportedly are competing for the mining giant.

6.   Off-shore, two consortia are competing to win rights for the Fyllas Bank which is known already to have a major natural gas deposit.

n. + compete >>共 767
company 10.97%
team 5.27%
player 3.63%
athlete 2.91%
woman 2.83%
bank 1.93%
firm 1.49%
candidate 1.45%
party 1.02%
group 1.02%
consortium 0.22%
consortium + v. >>共 223
be 9.89%
include 8.19%
have 4.79%
say 4.33%
plan 4.02%
make 2.01%
win 1.70%
comprise 1.39%
build 1.24%
seek 1.24%
compete 0.93%
每页显示:    共 6