1.   Even those who believed that poverty was largely self-inflicted did not always adhere to policies strictly consistent with this view.

2.   These are clear consistent policies which we are putting into place.

3.   It is to be hoped that the current parities of the exchange rates will be maintained to enable consistent pricing policies to be applied.

4.   Anne DeCicco, president of LLGMA, said one consistent policy would be helpful not only for passengers but also for manufacturers and retailers.

5.   But what we most need are consistent policies that help us avoid the extremes of unbearably high or exceptionally low energy prices.

6.   Generally speaking, he said, long-term rates benefit most from consistent monetary policy.

7.   Hamilton, some observers say, provides invaluable expertise and consistent policies at a politically charged agency that never knows from where the next incoming missile will be launched.

8.   Indeed, some Asian leaders have already sought White House reassurances that Clinton can be counted on for a consistent policy in Asia.

9.   League owners and officials are trying to maintain a consistent policy, especially on the PSLs.

10.   Market professionals said the government was to blame, for fitfully introducing reforms without a consistent underlying policy that would build investor confidence.

a. + policy >>共 712
monetary 10.73%
economic 8.42%
new 8.36%
fiscal 1.93%
national 1.78%
social 1.65%
american 1.64%
current 1.48%
domestic 1.44%
major 1.42%
consistent 0.10%
consistent + n. >>共 677
basis 3.35%
pattern 1.98%
winner 1.65%
earnings 1.59%
result 1.59%
play 1.37%
player 1.37%
theme 1.15%
way 1.10%
policy 1.10%
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