1.   Some cathedral organists have developed considerable liturgical flair and some have a good grasp of theology.

2.   The harpsichord comes first in the title, and Boismortier inscribed the keyboard parts with considerable flair.

3.   Les Ballets Suedois encouraged spectacle, and appropriately, the Fashion Institute show has considerable flair.

4.   The cast performs these with considerable flair and enthusiasm, with fluid, loose-jointed dancing and tightly woven harmonies.

a. + flair >>共 211
dramatic 5.41%
theatrical 3.15%
comic 2.93%
visual 2.70%
attacking 2.25%
individual 2.25%
usual 2.25%
great 2.03%
offensive 2.03%
a 1.80%
considerable 1.13%
considerable + n. >>共 1119
influence 3.26%
time 3.25%
amount 2.63%
damage 2.43%
power 2.34%
support 1.78%
attention 1.68%
pressure 1.64%
debate 1.38%
interest 1.33%
flair 0.07%
每页显示:    共 5