1.   If it is considered a planet, astronomers said, then there is much about planetary formation that scientists have yet to learn.

2.   Now Rep. Bill Thomas, R-Calif., is working to amend it to eliminate what he considers redundant and burdensome provisions, aides said on Monday.

3.   The Israeli government on Wednesday reaffirmed that policy, which the administration has said it considers a breach of the cease-fire.

4.   Who gets considered, he said, is determined by a federal regulatory commission approach, on a first come, first served basis.

5.   However, Jan Holub, a police spokesman, said police considered the matter a private business dispute.

6.   In negotiations, studios have rejected what they consider unrealistic union demands, saying they ignore the realities of a slowing economy and shrinking audiences.

7.   The Syrians, who consider the heights vital to their security too, say they will settle for nothing less than a total Israeli pullback.

8.   However on Thursday night, the Spanish Confederation of Filling Stations said it was considering launching its own strike against any move to lower the price of diesel fuel.

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consider + v. >>共 102
be 10.67%
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