1.   Any chance of passing a federal anti-discrimination bill was dashed in the conservative congressional tide.

2.   A conservative tide has swept the nation.

3.   Bunn, a strong opponent of abortion, is one of the Republicans swept into Congress last November on the conservative tide.

4.   Last fall, Vermont bucked a national conservative tide by re-electing Rep. Bernard Sanders, the only self-described democratic socialist in Congress.

5.   Left-of-center advocacy groups had hoped that Clinton would name liberal judges as a counterweight to the conservative judicial tide.

6.   Moreover, he argues, the conservative tide is still rising.

7.   Other aides, who respect the conservative tide in the electorate, want Clinton to compromise with the GOP leaders.

8.   Rep. Jim Bunn of Oregon, a strong opponent of abortion, is one of the Republicans swept into Congress last November on the conservative tide.

9.   The conservative tide overflowed the banks of the Potomac and the Hudson as well as the Mississippi and the Chattahoochee.

10.   The same conservative tide appeared to be helping other Republicans seeking statewide office.

a. + tide >>共 252
rising 29.38%
political 3.44%
human 2.84%
incoming 2.84%
growing 2.73%
brown 2.49%
strong 1.90%
outgoing 1.78%
receding 1.42%
conservative 1.30%
conservative + n. >>共 672
government 5.15%
group 4.79%
party 2.98%
leader 2.57%
opposition 2.30%
politician 1.79%
candidate 1.74%
coalition 1.62%
commentator 1.56%
lawmaker 1.43%
tide 0.10%
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