1.   Contemporary conservatives could feel unease as they glimpsed a social revolution of which the turnpikes were harbingers.

2.   And to some extent at the beginning of the Reagan administration some conservatives felt the same revolutionary fervor.

3.   But he was mocked for giving his wife a co-equal status that conservatives felt she did not deserve since her name was not on the ballot.

4.   But the conservatives felt that the commission was too heavily influenced by people with a vested interest in preserving the status quo.

5.   Forbes is moving to identify himself with this reckless idea since many conservatives feel it is a political winner.

6.   In addition, many devout conservatives never felt true allegiance to Dole.

7.   Indeed, school reform is the one type of social engineering with which conservatives feel comfortable.

8.   It was DeLay and other far-right House Republicans who pressed Bush to fight for their concept, warning that conservatives were feeling a tad neglected and restless.

9.   Many of these potential nominees share pro-property rights philosophies and libertarian leanings, a combination that conservatives feel produces the proper approach.

10.   No other station has a more extreme right-wing culture than KSFO, perhaps because in no other city do conservatives feel so excluded.

n. + feel >>共 879
people 9.04%
player 2.27%
presence 1.66%
woman 1.51%
official 1.38%
company 1.35%
child 1.32%
investor 1.20%
parent 1.15%
fan 1.08%
conservative 0.22%
conservative + v. >>共 407
be 10.89%
say 6.78%
want 3.04%
have 2.72%
argue 1.58%
dominate 1.58%
feel 1.52%
oppose 1.52%
win 1.46%
try 1.20%
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