1.   The stall is booked for Saturday for the energy conservation bill campaign.

2.   The emphasis on keeping jobs is intentional, as the conservation campaigns have prompted an inevitable jobs-versus-environment debate.

3.   The warnings of irrevocable destruction have inspired a wide range of conservation campaigns in recent years.

4.   What caused this sentiment is a high-profile conservation campaign for the swordfish.

5.   When SRP reservoirs reached the half-empty threshold earlier this month, the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association stepped up its conservation campaign.

6.   And last week, Singapore launched a water conservation campaign, announcing higher water tariffs and conservation taxes.

7.   Earlier this month Singapore launched a water conservation campaign, announcing higher water tariffs and conservation taxes.

8.   The country imports most of its water, and the government is committed to a conservation campaign.

9.   The stalling of the proceedings have encouraged activists to press ahead with their conservation campaign.

10.   He arrived in Naha Wednesday on a four-day visit as part of a WWF international conservation campaign.

n. + campaign >>共 997
election 17.33%
ad 7.70%
air 7.63%
re-election 4.52%
medium 2.25%
smear 2.14%
fall 2.08%
publicity 1.87%
education 1.67%
terror 1.56%
conservation 0.12%
conservation + n. >>共 270
group 14.58%
measure 8.20%
effort 8.02%
program 7.20%
area 5.04%
plan 2.93%
easement 2.69%
project 2.52%
organization 2.34%
work 1.87%
campaign 0.64%
每页显示:    共 11