1.   All agreements are reached by consensus.

2.   These decisions would thus come within the competence of the Council of Ministers, to be reached by consensus.

3.   Decisions were reached by consensus.

4.   No problems were solved, no policies proposed, no consensus reached about anything.

5.   Recommendations will be reached by consensus, and implemented at each nations discretion.

6.   The kings act as ex officio committee members, but decisions are reached by consensus.

7.   A consensus reached, then, that there should be no leaders.

8.   APEC decisions are reached by consensus, however, not by majority vote.

9.   Awale said until these elections are held, all decisions would be reached by consensus.

10.   Decisions are reached by consensus and no decision has ever been made by formal vote.

n. + reach >>共 1026
telephone 4.90%
side 3.16%
team 1.81%
company 1.54%
party 1.04%
phone 0.98%
negotiator 0.90%
government 0.89%
convoy 0.85%
jury 0.83%
consensus 0.13%
consensus + v. >>共 112
be 62.09%
emerge 5.95%
seem 3.81%
adopt 2.52%
make 2.06%
exist 1.68%
form 1.53%
develop 1.14%
grow 0.99%
take 0.99%
reach 0.99%
每页显示:    共 13