1.   But the public consensus for a Pentagon blank check collapsed with the Cold War.

2.   This book is in-tended largely to call attention to this opportunity and to point to the consensus for action that already exists.

3.   The government made slow progress in its attempt to build a political consensus for economic reform.

4.   And nearly two years after the fall of President Suharto, there is still clearly an urgent national consensus for thoroughgoing change.

5.   And there is no consensus for how to treat children with other serious ailments, such as depression, where the best treatment is unknown.

6.   As people lose their jobs, the consensus for painful change diminishes.

7.   Backer and Hutcherson said Missouri has struggled to obtain consensus for changing the specific statutes governing the account.

8.   Brouhns said he hoped to finalize some consensus for improving the operation of the markets by year-end.

9.   Buchanan mistakes consensus for conspiracy, which is why one can only imagine a significant vote for him by adding together various pockets of fury.

10.   But others argue that while some Clinton policies are unpopular, there is no consensus for keeping the old ways, either.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
consensus 0.01%
consensus + p. >>共 47
on 36.62%
among 16.67%
of 7.43%
in 6.32%
for 6.01%
about 4.46%
with 2.42%
over 2.17%
within 1.92%
at 1.67%
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