1.   Tonight she would far rather have been getting on with a hundred and one other things, but conscience had dictated that she must get the books finished first.

2.   An actor tells a story the way his conscience dictates is best to tell it.

3.   A well-read and thoughtful person, he believes what he says, and his conscience dictates his actions.

4.   Everyone should be free to worship or not as individual conscience dictates.

5.   In theory, if their conscience so dictated, the rich countries could help the poor without damaging the incentives of the drug companies at all.

6.   The cardinal took great pains to point out that official Catholic teaching does not forbid the death penalty and that Catholics are entitled to whatever position their consciences dictate.

7.   This unsettling realization makes the reader more sympathetic to the hapless Scotsman than pure conscience might dictate.

8.   We must refuse because conscience dictates no other path.

9.   A right conscience dictates Japan to show penitence and atone for its wrongdoing.

10.   But the lawmakers were quoted Monday as saying they want the freedom to vote against proposals of that party, known as the PRI, when their conscience dictates.

n. + dictate >>共 422
law 3.77%
tradition 3.25%
logic 3.14%
rule 2.83%
circumstance 2.51%
government 2.20%
custom 1.78%
protocol 1.78%
market 1.47%
history 1.26%
conscience 1.05%
conscience + v. >>共 50
be 41.56%
dictate 6.49%
trouble 3.25%
bother 3.25%
let 2.60%
allow 2.60%
guide 2.60%
drive 1.95%
play 1.95%
tell 1.95%
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