1.   Approval of the conjugated estrogen drug is bitterly opposed by American Home Products, the company that makes the prescription drug.

2.   All the women took conjugated estrogen as well as a progesterone drug.

3.   The hormone, conjugated equine estrogen, is extracted from the urine of pregnant horses.

4.   Would alcohol have this effect on women taking estrogen therapy in its many other forms, including oral conjugated equine estrogen, or Premarin, the most popular one?

5.   Another type of post-menopausal estrogen, conjugated estrogens, already is on the federal carcinogen list.

a. + estrogen >>共 62
natural 10.42%
synthetic 6.25%
alone 4.86%
generic 4.17%
weak 4.17%
selective 3.47%
conjugated 3.47%
oral 3.47%
postmenopausal 3.47%
taking 3.47%
conjugated + n. >>共 4
estrogen 45.45%
bilirubin 36.36%
fraction 9.09%
verb 9.09%
每页显示:    共 5