1.   Although Florida was the only Southern state without a Senate race, its congressional races gave the Republicans a chance to consolidate their gains in the House.

2.   An analytical look at how the Georgia congressional races shape up on filing day.

3.   Among its other menu items, Vote Smart offers state-by-state and district-by-district looks at congressional races.

4.   And in congressional races across America, the AFL-CIO is taking the lead in an effort to make House Speaker Newt Gingrich the bogeyman.

5.   And in congressional races from coast to coast, Democrats give the speaker as much heat as they do their Republican opponents.

6.   And that number does not include the even greater dollars being spent on congressional races by the parties and interest groups.

7.   And Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott wants an appointment for Danny Covington, a conservative who failed to win a congressional race in Mississippi last year.

8.   And while California may hold the key to the presidential race, the outcome of its congressional races may also determine which party controls the House.

9.   And they vowed to register enough new black voters in key congressional races this year to return control of the House of Representatives to the Democratic Party.

10.   Another Republican jock, Steve Largent, who set National Football League records as a Seattle Seahawk flanker, is leading in another Oklahoma congressional race.

a. + race >>共 569
presidential 11.34%
first 4.19%
close 3.74%
tight 2.79%
the 2.34%
second 1.92%
congressional 1.90%
human 1.78%
last 1.74%
final 1.72%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
race 1.70%
每页显示:    共 214