1.   Subject to congressional approval, it proposed increased spending on highways, mass public transport systems, bridge improvement and highway safety programmes.

2.   He was replaced by Gen. Raol Cedras who had supervised security during the December presidential elections and whose appointment was subject to congressional approval.

3.   Before full authorization, the Energy Department needs Congressional approval.

4.   Foreign bases can be closed without congressional approval.

5.   Already there are rumblings from some Democrats and Republicans that any U.S. decision to agree to Chinese entry should be subject to congressional approval.

6.   Although the proposal requires congressional approval, no one is actively pushing the agreement on Capitol Hill.

7.   American participation would not require congressional approval.

8.   Although Clinton said he would seek congressional approval for the deployment, aides said he is willing to act without it.

9.   Although presidents have argued that the War Powers Act is unconstitutional, they nonetheless have asked for congressional approval prior to major military operations largely to build support.

a. + approval >>共 512
final 15.49%
regulatory 12.26%
congressional 9.21%
parliamentary 4.21%
federal 2.89%
formal 2.52%
preliminary 2.49%
prior 2.42%
legislative 2.28%
winning 1.74%
congressional + n. >>共 468
leader 13.70%
approval 5.11%
committee 4.82%
hearing 4.33%
delegation 2.98%
district 2.72%
election 2.27%
candidate 2.22%
aide 2.19%
investigator 2.05%
每页显示:    共 643