1.   If people are confronted with the realities of war, their attitude towards it changes completely.

2.   As his tour wound down, Pinck faced one of the moral quandaries that sometimes confront even people who have grown accustomed to the savagery of war.

3.   Blaming the media is nearly like blaming people for problems that confront people.

4.   Clearly, though, the alleged incident shows du Pont was a troubled man with a history of handling guns and confronting people.

5.   Donald Beck said his son had strong convictions about right and wrong, and that he was unafraid to confront people about their perceived shortcomings.

6.   For some of the advocates and activists with mental illnesses, the conference was a chance to confront the people whom they perceive as their abusers.

7.   Harder than living up to expectations is confronting people who have no expectations at all.

8.   He said that in Bali, which was devastated during those massacres, a private group has begun exploring local killings and confronting people with their own history.

9.   Most recently, the American people were confronted with two terror acts committed by lone gunmen.

10.   People are confronted daily with conflicts between personal desires and the values by which they say they live.

v. + people >>共 706
kill 16.68%
injure 6.37%
arrest 4.06%
wound 2.62%
help 1.81%
have 1.53%
treat 1.41%
see 1.30%
detain 1.12%
keep 1.11%
confront 0.04%
confront + n. >>共 819
problem 4.38%
issue 4.04%
police 1.93%
question 1.76%
man 1.50%
past 1.29%
reality 1.25%
group 1.20%
government 1.07%
challenge 1.07%
people 0.86%
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