1.   Pray that the conflict would not spread to neighbouring countries.

2.   The aid workers have been advised to pull out of those regions to which the conflict has spread.

3.   But as bombing continues, the conflict has spread across borders.

4.   But within six months, the conflict spread to the ethnic powder keg of Bosnia and violence escalated.

5.   He said the danger of not intervening - with the aid of allies in NATO - is that the conflict could eventually spread to neighboring countries in Europe.

6.   Lt. Gen. Shaul Mofaz, the Israeli army chief of staff, said Tuesday that the Israeli Defense Forces are making emergency preparations in the event the conflict spreads.

7.   Most say their leaders have only two months to take action or, they believe, the conflict will spread.

8.   NATO cannot withdraw, they said, without destroying its own credibility and allowing the conflict to spread to a much broader area.

9.   The diplomatic situation may get worse, as the conflict could spread to Macedonia, Albania, and beyond.

10.   The Israeli-Palestinian conflict spread to the border with Lebanon on Saturday, threatening to draw more of the region into the violent crisis.

n. + spread >>共 1255
disease 4.98%
cancer 4.02%
fire 3.95%
word 3.82%
air 2.35%
rumor 2.30%
virus 2.21%
violence 1.79%
news 1.39%
protest 1.39%
conflict 1.05%
conflict + v. >>共 378
be 29.37%
arise 3.15%
end 3.08%
have 2.41%
erupt 2.23%
begin 2.16%
continue 2.16%
spread 2.05%
escalate 1.63%
lead 1.49%
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