1.   Conflict perspectives Although functionalists emphasize the importance of value consensus in society, they do recognize that conflict can occur.

2.   Another, they say, is that when conflict does occur the mode is different.

3.   But conflicts do occur.

4.   But DeFrantz, a former Olympic rower, also acknowledged that military conflicts have occurred during past Olympic Games.

5.   But often conflicts occur long before a nonprofit company reaches the ceiling, particularly when an organization goes in head-to-head competition with private businesses.

6.   But while acknowledging that creative conflicts occurred at various stages of the long, tortured production, Woo insists Cruise never tried to hijack the final cut.

7.   Finally, when armed conflict occurs, responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity must be distinguished from the underlying political agendas of all sides.

8.   Finally, when armed conflict does occur, responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity must be distinguished from the underlying political agendas of all sides.

9.   Historically, conflict occurs where religious regions touch.

10.   In his view, most conflicts now occur within nations, rather than between them.

n. + occur >>共 919
incident 6.74%
accident 6.06%
attack 4.78%
explosion 4.08%
blast 2.84%
death 2.35%
shooting 2.24%
problem 1.82%
crash 1.75%
injury 1.56%
conflict 0.17%
conflict + v. >>共 378
be 29.37%
arise 3.15%
end 3.08%
have 2.41%
erupt 2.23%
begin 2.16%
continue 2.16%
spread 2.05%
escalate 1.63%
lead 1.49%
occur 0.96%
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