1.   As the conflict dragged on, their food and optimism dwindled.

2.   As the conflict has dragged on, the Bush administration has increasingly backed Sharon.

3.   But as the conflict has dragged on, Coogan seems more exasperated, more determined to call it as he sees it.

4.   But Naoum does not expect such support for Hezbollah to last long, especially if the conflict drags on and refugees do not return home soon.

5.   Disagreements among the allies are often sharp, and as the conflict drags on, the United States and the United Nations hierarchy are often at odds.

6.   His aides now say the conflict will drag on for many years, even decades.

7.   Ireland is still paying the price for Bloody Sunday, as the conflict drags on and compromise and civility between the two communities remain elusive.

8.   Meanwhile, the Bosnian conflict drags on, without any apparent solution.

9.   The conflict dragged on so long that several of the guerrilla commanders who signed the pact are now gray-haired men.

10.   As the Mideast conflict drags on, few people feel immune.

n. + drag >>共 556
case 5.05%
talk 4.13%
negotiation 3.47%
war 3.47%
police 3.26%
strike 2.17%
process 2.06%
man 1.57%
government 1.57%
crisis 1.47%
conflict 1.03%
conflict + v. >>共 378
be 29.37%
arise 3.15%
end 3.08%
have 2.41%
erupt 2.23%
begin 2.16%
continue 2.16%
spread 2.05%
escalate 1.63%
lead 1.49%
drag 0.67%
每页显示:    共 19