1.   Many of the peers also described how conflicts frequently arose between themselves and the subordinates.

2.   The conflict arose from tensions between the different ethnic groups.

3.   The subordinates acknowledged that some conflicts would inevitably arise, no matter how well the manager maintained the web of relationships.

4.   When a conflict arises in the workplace, you should aim to repair the relationship as quickly as possible.

5.   When conflicts arise between perception and reasoning, the concrete operational child makes judgments based on reasoning.

6.   When conflicts arise between perception and thought, as in conservation problems, children using preoperational reasoning make judgments based on perception.

7.   A conflict arose because of a misunderstanding.

8.   Sharp conflicts are now arising.

9.   It was intended to ensure that the supreme bodies of state worked more efficiently, and to guarantee that no conflicts arose among them.

10.   Even if advance disclosure is made, further disclosure may be necessary at the time of a transaction if an actual conflict arises.

n. + arise >>共 680
problem 16.26%
question 8.78%
issue 4.87%
opportunity 3.74%
dispute 3.69%
need 3.47%
situation 2.53%
conflict 2.40%
difficulty 1.94%
controversy 1.72%
conflict + v. >>共 378
be 29.37%
arise 3.15%
end 3.08%
have 2.41%
erupt 2.23%
begin 2.16%
continue 2.16%
spread 2.05%
escalate 1.63%
lead 1.49%
每页显示:    共 88