1.   The conference will open with a speech by Barbara Morland, MP.

2.   The conference will open with a call for the use and sale of cannabis to be decriminalised.

3.   But when the conference opens its fall meeting in Washington next Monday, he will not be there.

4.   Conference USA opened the season with an abbreviated three-game schedule last week.

5.   Soon after the conference opened, however, most of the major industrialized countries indicated that continued IOC control of the antidoping effort would be unacceptable.

6.   The conference formally opens on Friday.

7.   The conference opened Wednesday at Atlanta Marriott Gwinnett Place.

8.   The conference opens on the heels of a major international dispute over infectious disease.

9.   The conference opened with a reception in the hotel.

10.   The White House conference opened beneath a cloud of controversy.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
government 1.41%
company 1.35%
conference 0.55%
conference + v. >>共 461
be 19.20%
end 3.37%
take 3.09%
open 2.91%
have 2.84%
begin 2.38%
focus 1.88%
go 1.60%
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aim 1.53%
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