1.   The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.

2.   However, the session was poorly attended, with many members heeding calls from Prime Minister Etienne Tshisekedi and national conference chairman Monsengwo Pasinya not to attend.

3.   The conference chairman shouted into the microphone that he had got his little list and he was damned if he was not going to stick to it.

4.   Yugoslav peace conference chairman, Lord Owen has warned failure of the talks could unleash more ferocious fighting.

5.   And there is a new model treaty to work from, submitted Thursday by the conference chairman, Jaap Ramaker of the Netherlands.

6.   But he was expected to move up the ladder to conference chairman with the retirement this fall of Sen. Connie Mack, R-Fla.

7.   But they ousted John Boehner of Ohio as conference chairman, replacing him with Watts.

8.   Conference chairman Gailani is close to the exiled king and has been pegged by some as a possible future prime minister.

9.   House Republicans did go North when they chose their conference chairman, who will coordinate the partisan message of caucus.

10.   If Boehner is re-elected conference chairman he will continue to be instrumental in managing coalitions and public communication for the party.

n. + chairman >>共 357
committee 20.48%
deputy 15.39%
board 7.77%
commission 6.45%
campaign 4.47%
company 3.08%
club 2.20%
subcommittee 2.14%
conference 2.14%
finance 1.83%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
chairman 1.31%
每页显示:    共 68