1.   One explanation for the different susceptibilities is the different capacity of macrophages and lymphocytes to confer resistance.

2.   Although blacks, for example, virtually never have the mutated gene, they may have other genes that confer resistance to AIDS.

3.   Furthermore, because genes that confer resistance to drugs can jump from one organism to another, the studies suggest that resistance can spread to many types of infections.

4.   In other cases two or three mutations must occur together to confer resistance.

5.   It can confer resistance on plants to certain insects and diseases that would in some cases require the use of pesticides.

6.   Or did the AIDS resistance genes also confer resistance to a different plague, like the Black Death?

7.   The British government is also planning to eradicate scrapie by breeding sheep with the ARR gene, which is believed to confer resistance to all prion diseases.

8.   The discoveries are making researchers ask why genes that confer resistance to AIDS are so common.

9.   The genes that confer resistance to one antibiotic can often undergo small changes that make bacteria resistant to related drugs.

10.   The most common plasmid that confers resistance to vancomycin has a package of nine genes that set in motion this cunning counter-stratagem.

v. + resistance >>共 316
meet 16.19%
face 9.09%
offer 8.96%
encounter 8.40%
develop 7.32%
overcome 4.13%
expect 1.51%
have 1.46%
provide 1.38%
spearhead 1.34%
confer 0.56%
confer + n. >>共 122
status 8.44%
power 7.44%
right 5.21%
benefit 4.96%
citizenship 4.71%
legitimacy 4.47%
degree 4.22%
advantage 3.47%
resistance 3.23%
immunity 2.98%
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