1.   And in every case where there was some kind of Confederate symbol on the flag, they LOST the court cases?

2.   A controversy about Confederate symbols may rise again in Austin.

3.   A statewide referendum provides a politically safer way for lawmakers to handle the issue without disclosing their positions on the Confederate symbol.

4.   But civil rights groups are threatening an economic boycott of the state unless the General Assembly removes the Confederate symbol from the state flag.

5.   Clark acknowledged that had the issue been put to a vote in the Legislature, the Confederate symbol would have stayed on the flag.

6.   Does the state flag include any Confederate symbol?

7.   Gov. George W. Bush has faced numerous questions about his stand on Confederate symbols during his presidential campaign.

8.   Greg Stewart, a Tunica lawyer who has helped organize support for the Confederate symbol, predicted that the old flag would be preserved by an overwhelming margin.

9.   Greg Stewart, a Tunica lawyer who has helped organize support for Confederate symbol, predicted that the old flag would be preserved by an overwhelming margin.

10.   He sold T-shirts bearing Confederate symbols and racist sayings.

a. + symbol >>共 720
national 7.27%
religious 3.68%
powerful 3.47%
nazi 3.06%
potent 2.52%
important 1.94%
confederate 1.78%
new 1.78%
stock 1.69%
visible 1.65%
confederate + n. >>共 154
flag 32.81%
battle 13.13%
soldier 7.92%
symbol 4.48%
emblem 3.75%
general 2.19%
monument 1.35%
army 1.35%
memorial 1.15%
force 1.15%
每页显示:    共 43