1.   A male cadet may offer his arm to a lady when walking conditions warrant.

2.   ITT said that plans for the properties are preliminary and that it would build the casinos as market conditions warrant.

3.   This advisory will be updated as conditions warrant.

4.   Additional statements or buletins will be issued by the national weather service as conditions warrant.

5.   Additional statements or bulletins will be issued by the national weather service as conditions warrant.

6.   Further statements will be issued as conditions warrant.

7.   Lead could move earlier as race conditions warrant.

8.   The joint venture is likely to add further models - including trucks - as market conditions warrant, Trotman said.

9.   The joint venture is likely to add further models, including trucks, as market conditions warrant, Trotman said.

10.   The national weather service will issue additional statements as conditions warrant.

n. + warrant >>共 118
arrest 81.96%
extradition 1.74%
murder 1.42%
court 1.19%
witness 1.10%
development 0.69%
call 0.69%
misdemeanor 0.55%
traffic 0.55%
condition 0.55%
condition + n. >>共 138
change 6.22%
report 5.81%
set 4.98%
warrant 4.98%
rating 4.56%
precedent 4.15%
face 2.07%
anonymity 2.07%
clause 2.07%
problem 2.07%
每页显示:    共 12