1.   Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.

2.   In the eyes of its founding generation, those conditions amply justified extraordinary methods like violent interrogation.

3.   OPEC Secretary-general Ali Rodriguez told reporters that if market conditions justify an increase in output in July, then the group will increase supply at that time.

4.   But even the most difficult living conditions cannot justify abortion, Solidarity deputy Teresa Liszcz argued.

5.   But Solidarity deputy Teresa Liszcz argued that even the most difficult living conditions cannot justify abortion.

6.   But they say the arduous and dangerous working conditions justify a better deal.

7.   But they say that the arduous and dangerous working conditions justify a better deal.

8.   Euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke said the pain Crick was suffering and her fragile condition still justified her taking her life if she wanted to.

9.   Euthanasia campaigner Dr Philip Nitschke said the pain Crick was suffering and her fragile condition justified her taking her life if she wanted to.

10.   Kubo declined to comment when asked if current economic conditions justified raising the official discount rate.

n. + justify >>共 338
end 9.09%
government 3.69%
official 2.84%
earnings 2.56%
administration 1.70%
result 1.70%
circumstance 1.56%
company 1.56%
condition 1.42%
evidence 1.28%
condition + v. >>共 492
be 37.84%
improve 7.37%
deteriorate 3.50%
worsen 3.17%
remain 2.37%
make 2.08%
prevail 1.92%
change 1.67%
continue 1.64%
cover 1.25%
justify 0.14%
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