1.   The condition predominantly affects middle-aged or elderly females.

2.   The key issues are what bureaucrats maximize and how external conditions of cost and demand affect bureaucratic behaviour.

3.   The condition usually affects middle aged and elderly men.

4.   Moreover, various PCNA antibodies define different epitopes of PCNA and fixation conditions may affect epitope location within cells.

5.   Longitudinal studies indicate that the condition affects people over long periods of their lives yet there is no evidence that they are at risk of any serious organic disease.

6.   The condition is affecting growing numbers of children in the country, with one in seven primary schoolchildren suffering from it.

7.   Blustery conditions affected the standard of play, though Boro had two matchwinning chances in the second half.

8.   Americans also seem to understand how weather conditions affect the cost of coffee beans, oranges, beef or avocados.

9.   And in one of those tragic ironies for him, the condition affects the heart and blood vessels, narrowing the aorta and pulmonary arteries.

n. + affect >>共 1607
change 3.20%
strike 2.39%
decision 1.98%
cut 1.82%
problem 1.80%
ruling 1.59%
disease 1.29%
crisis 1.17%
rule 1.03%
move 0.92%
condition 0.89%
condition + v. >>共 492
be 37.84%
improve 7.37%
deteriorate 3.50%
worsen 3.17%
remain 2.37%
make 2.08%
prevail 1.92%
change 1.67%
continue 1.64%
cover 1.25%
affect 0.85%
每页显示:    共 59