1.   Condenser coils are the tubes under or behind the refrigerator that carry coolant to the refrigeration unit.

2.   A condenser fan, in front of the coils, draws air from the side vents and blows it across the condenser coils.

3.   Finally examine the cooling fins on the condenser coils.

4.   If you have a forced-draft model, the condenser coils will be under the refrigerator.

5.   The air-conditioner turned out to be leaking Freon, the main cooling agent used in air-conditioners, and suffering from a bad case of dirty condenser coils.

6.   The cooling coils were housed in the icebox in the kitchen, but the compressor, condenser coils and motor had to be kept in a separate room.

7.   The heat-laden gas is then compressed and pumped into condenser coils, where it condenses into a liquid.

8.   The liquid is pumped into the condenser coils, where it releases the captured heat into the surrounding air.

n. + coil >>共 31
mosquito 18.42%
condenser 11.84%
wire 11.84%
steel 7.89%
evaporator 5.26%
polymer 5.26%
spring 5.26%
pacemaker 2.63%
voice 2.63%
aluminum 1.32%
condenser + n. >>共 7
coil 47.37%
fan 21.05%
unit 10.53%
microphone 5.26%
output 5.26%
part 5.26%
spray 5.26%
每页显示:    共 9