1.   He said Addis-based OAU has consistently condemned terrorism and favors an international response to it.

2.   Muslim nations on Thursday condemned terrorism committed in the name of Islam and demanded that Israel stop building settlements on war-won Arab land, particularly in Jerusalem.

3.   Reeker urged restraint and condemned terrorism, saying it undercuts hopes among Kashmiris for a free and fair election to choose local leaders.

4.   The main ethnic Albanian leader, Ibrahim Rugova, has not denounced separatism, condemned terrorism and accepted an unconditional resumption of dialogue, Jovanovic said.

5.   While standing by fellow Muslim countries and describing angry anti-American protests by its citizens as justified, Pakistan has also strongly condemned terrorism.

6.   While standing by fellow Muslim countries and describing angry anti-American protests by its citizens as justified, Islamabad has also strongly condemned terrorism.

7.   It urged the authorities to continue political dialogue with all sections of the population, but condemned terrorism and the recent massacre of Italian sailors in Algeria.

8.   Saudi Arabia has condemned terrorism carried out in the name of Islam and vowed not to finance Moslem militants, official newspapers reported here Wednesday.

a. + terrorism >>共 345
international 30.39%
combat 7.28%
sponsoring 6.75%
domestic 5.86%
global 4.45%
islamic 1.88%
nuclear 1.76%
state 1.76%
palestinian 1.57%
combatting 1.49%
condemned 0.31%
condemned + n. >>共 94
man 25.67%
prisoner 12.22%
inmate 11.49%
killer 9.29%
criminal 2.44%
murderer 2.44%
person 2.44%
building 2.20%
terrorism 1.96%
house 1.22%
每页显示:    共 8