1.   Above her, fans pushed their way along the concrete sidewalk.

2.   After medics found her on a concrete sidewalk, they hooked her up to heart monitors, stuck an oxygen tube down her throat and started an IV.

3.   But the wide concrete sidewalk was part of a New York City landscape, complete with boxy housing projects.

4.   Even in this city of wealth, indigent women lie on concrete sidewalks with their infants, silently begging for money.

5.   Fire hydrants bearing the stamp of a Michigan manufacturer poke up from concrete sidewalks.

6.   Past teams have painted classroom walls, planted shrubs, laid concrete sidewalks and curbs and repaired ceilings.

7.   Q. My brother put in a concrete sidewalk, coloring the concrete red with some kind of additive.

8.   The orange single-car garage is gone, replaced by a wide concrete sidewalk, lined with hydrangeas, that leads from the road to the dock.

9.   Others broke the concrete sidewalk into fist-sized rocks and threw them at police carrying shields.

10.   Others broke the concrete sidewalk into fist-sized rocks and threw them at police, who deflected the missiles with interlocked shields.

a. + sidewalk >>共 206
crowded 5.37%
new 5.14%
narrow 4.91%
public 4.67%
downtown 4.67%
icy 2.34%
concrete 2.34%
busy 2.34%
below 1.87%
front 1.87%
concrete + n. >>共 878
wall 4.74%
floor 4.72%
block 4.54%
slab 4.35%
step 4.05%
action 3.00%
barrier 2.67%
evidence 2.67%
proposal 2.65%
result 2.41%
sidewalk 0.19%
每页显示:    共 10