1.   We concluded the meeting on a happy note.

2.   The meeting is now concluded.

3.   And after Netanyahu concluded his meeting and before Arafat began his, the scandal broke.

4.   A Lai Sun official said company executives concluded a meeting with investors and fund managers in New York last week.

5.   He spoke as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak concluded meetings in Cairo to discuss new Israeli settlements in Palestinian neighborhoods.

6.   However, NFL owners will decide before concluding this meeting Wednesday on which divisions to place the two new expansion teams, the Carolina Panthers and the Jacksonville Jaguars.

7.   Many municipal treasurers are also deferring plans to raise money until after the Fed concludes its meeting.

8.   Moments after concluding a meeting with Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, aides introduced Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska.

9.   President Clinton concluded the meeting by asserting that Barak was more creative, flexible and determined to reach a peace agreement.

10.   Say what you have to say and conclude the meeting.

v. + meeting >>共 373
attend 15.73%
hold 15.72%
schedule 4.66%
follow 4.14%
have 3.78%
arrange 3.25%
call 3.20%
plan 2.53%
cancel 2.40%
chair 1.99%
conclude 0.19%
conclude + n. >>共 329
agreement 13.27%
investigation 5.38%
deal 5.38%
negotiation 5.15%
talk 4.82%
treaty 3.08%
case 2.80%
work 2.13%
visit 1.96%
contract 1.74%
meeting 1.68%
每页显示:    共 30