1.   Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, in unusually conciliatory remarks, said Sunday he believed the talks would succeed because of the active U.S. role.

2.   DeLay said he was offended that Clinton has made conciliatory remarks about the U.S. role in the slave trade and its slowness to respond to genocides in central Africa.

3.   Gill was part of a nonofficial delegation that recently met with Sha and heard similar conciliatory remarks.

4.   He wanted a nuclear test ban treaty with the Soviets, and intended to make conciliatory remarks.

5.   His conciliatory remarks contrasted sharply with the fiery rhetoric of Washington state UFW leaders in the past.

6.   In a recent broadcast, he even enlisted conciliatory remarks toward the West made by Iranian President Mohammad Khatami.

7.   In a recent broadcast, he even enlisted conciliatory remarks toward the West made by the Iranian president, Mohammad Khatami.

8.   It was basically what Arafat had also told U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher the day before in conciliatory remarks that won praise from the visiting American.

9.   The fighting words were in contrast to the conciliatory remarks he made last week.

10.   The gains came as President Bill Clinton and Republican lawmakers made conciliatory remarks about resolving the budget impasse.

a. + remark >>共 674
opening 4.80%
similar 4.37%
public 4.28%
racist 3.49%
anti-semitic 2.91%
disparaging 2.78%
prepared 2.74%
recent 2.42%
brief 2.25%
controversial 1.50%
conciliatory 1.01%
conciliatory + n. >>共 109
gesture 15.85%
tone 15.20%
note 8.25%
approach 7.27%
statement 5.65%
stance 4.89%
move 4.13%
remark 3.37%
line 2.61%
message 2.50%
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