1.   Dornan was clearly in a conciliatory mood.

2.   During this crucial testing period, Israel has reinstated a blockade of Palestinian cities and towns, which does not put the Palestinian public in a conciliatory mood.

3.   Hanspard, however, was in a conciliatory mood in regard to individual honors because the Red Raiders remain in the hunt for a date in St. Louis.

4.   I am not in a conciliatory mood, not when my soul and my way of life is threatened by zealots.

5.   Ivanov did not arrive in a conciliatory mood, accusing NATO of going beyond military issues in the weekend talks with the Yugoslav military.

6.   Right now, India and Pakistan seem in a rare conciliatory mood, moving slowly toward informal talks about when they might have a more formal conversation.

7.   But a new conciliatory mood has set in since leaders of the two Koreas held a historic summit in June.

8.   Despite the conciliatory mood, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung has said reunification could take two or three decades.

9.   In a sign of the newly conciliatory mood, South Korea canceled a military parade planned for Sunday, as well as reenactments of pivotal battles.

10.   In a sign of the newly conciliatory mood between the North and South, the ceremonies were scaled back from their original plan.

a. + mood >>共 769
public 4.31%
good 3.94%
national 3.51%
bad 2.81%
festive 2.57%
new 2.40%
upbeat 2.10%
current 1.70%
somber 1.64%
celebratory 1.54%
conciliatory 0.40%
conciliatory + n. >>共 109
gesture 15.85%
tone 15.20%
note 8.25%
approach 7.27%
statement 5.65%
stance 4.89%
move 4.13%
remark 3.37%
line 2.61%
message 2.50%
mood 1.30%
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