1.   As a husband and father of three children, he felt obliged to look for economic stability outside of concert dance, which barely sustains its members.

2.   Buraczeski creates concert jazz dances.

3.   Ms. Armitage believes that incorporating these elements of popular culture can help revitalize concert dance.

4.   Speechlessness is, of course, normal in concert dance, but in the movies it is out of the ordinary and thus a powerful ally of seduction.

5.   The world of concert dance has, until recently, been defined by a self-proclaimed seriousness.

6.   Western concert dance has moved from the palace to the proscenium stage to the museum event, and a shift in visual perspective has accompanied each change.

n. + dance >>共 292
ice 13.39%
school 4.56%
lion 3.85%
victory 2.71%
rain 2.56%
dragon 2.42%
dinner 2.14%
courtship 1.99%
line 1.71%
lap 1.57%
concert 0.85%
concert + n. >>共 271
hall 21.04%
tour 8.41%
pianist 5.16%
promoter 4.35%
stage 4.06%
ticket 3.71%
series 2.96%
performance 2.03%
venue 2.03%
date 1.91%
dance 0.35%
每页显示:    共 6