1.   On the eve of the ballot, concerns persisted about independent monitoring, the location of polling stations, and increased violence.

2.   At the same time, concern persists that Russian exports of the precious metal may not satisfy consumer demand.

3.   Concern persists that dry weather during July and August in Central America reduced the size and quality of the crops.

4.   Concern persists that not all the phones -- including some of the direct lines customers rely on to place orders -- will be connected.

5.   Concern persists, though, that exports could pick up if a dockworkers strike in Brazil widens.

6.   Concerns persisted that interest rates are headed higher.

7.   Concern persists that demand from Asia, the top destination for agricultural exports, will drop as economies there lose momentum.

8.   Concern persists, however, that inaction before then leaves business and consumer confidence vulnerable.

9.   Crude oil rose as concern persisted that political disputes could disrupt exports from the oil-rich Middle East at a time of strong U.S. demand.

10.   Concern persists that other central banks would follow suit.

n. + persist >>共 673
problem 6.38%
weather 4.15%
condition 2.93%
violence 2.89%
rumor 2.52%
cloud 2.36%
question 2.28%
pain 1.95%
tension 1.75%
symptom 1.46%
concern 1.42%
concern + v. >>共 508
be 59.83%
grow 2.43%
remain 1.54%
prompt 1.04%
mount 1.01%
arise 0.73%
have 0.71%
include 0.65%
hurt 0.63%
seem 0.60%
persist 0.53%
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