1.   At that late hour, her main concern was making sure that her resume had the right keywords.

2.   But budget concerns made that impossible.

3.   But they strenuously argued that antitrust concerns made it highly unlikely the General Dynamics bid would pass scrutiny with the Defense Department and federal regulators.

4.   But when reports arose of fatal crashes involving Ford Explorers equipped with Firestone tires, the public safety concern made the relationship seem far more intricate.

5.   Dodgers executive vice president Fred Claire said Thursday that budget concerns make it unlikely the club will trade to fill holes created by the rash of recent injuries.

6.   Fact is, little significant art has been produced by individuals whose main concern was making customers happy.

7.   Financial concerns made a nice turn around about two weeks ago for Davis when she found an envelope in her mailbox at work.

8.   For Noris Espaillat, though, such concerns make no sense.

9.   Forty-three percent said an immediate response to questions and concerns would make them shop more frequently.

10.   He said a major concern was making sure key employees would be available over the Labor Day weekend, if needed.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
law 0.72%
rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
concern 0.06%
concern + v. >>共 508
be 59.83%
grow 2.43%
remain 1.54%
prompt 1.04%
mount 1.01%
arise 0.73%
have 0.71%
include 0.65%
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seem 0.60%
make 0.59%
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