1.   Expectations concerning the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies and their likely impact on the unemployment rate will enter into the rational formulation of inflationary expectations.

2.   For our part, we have never been in the school that excuses presidential lying if it concerns private conduct.

3.   Other criticisms of the law concern the conduct of counsels once in office, and whether their independence has become a license for abuse.

4.   In their petitions, petitioners seek to bolster their unusually weak federal claims with wild, irresponsible and utterly unsupported allegations concerning the conduct of those recounts...

5.   On Wednesday he revealed that the ISU referee at the pairs tournament had filed an official complaint with the governing body concerning the conduct of one judge.

v. + conduct >>共 171
govern 9.36%
defend 3.69%
involve 3.45%
regulate 3.20%
investigate 2.96%
regard 2.71%
criticize 2.22%
explain 1.97%
improve 1.72%
include 1.72%
concern 1.23%
concern + n. >>共 1271
government 1.99%
investor 1.30%
group 1.02%
official 0.96%
issue 0.93%
administration 0.90%
people 0.87%
matter 0.81%
case 0.78%
sale 0.75%
conduct 0.16%
每页显示:    共 5