1.   The integrated response to the meal was assessed by the area under the gastrin concentration time curve by the trapezoid method.

2.   Test concentrations were then derived by interpolation from a standard rhamnose concentration curve from the same chromatogram.

3.   Integrated meal stimulated serum gastrin outputs were determined by calculating the area under the serum concentration time curve.

n. + curve >>共 147
yield 27.00%
demand 5.03%
supply 4.84%
growth 4.66%
bell 3.35%
cost 2.79%
hairpin 2.79%
liquidity 2.05%
preference 2.05%
survival 1.86%
concentration 0.74%
concentration + n. >>共 43
level 18.89%
lapse 6.67%
problem 6.67%
span 6.67%
game 4.44%
issue 4.44%
curve 4.44%
limit 3.33%
manner 3.33%
skill 3.33%
每页显示:    共 4