1.   A number of exercises would be conducted using computer simulation, rather than actual troops.

2.   Computer simulations are only mechanical extensions of this verbal power, which manipulates signs and symbols as a prelude to manipulating things.

3.   Dawkins works out in some detail a computer program which mirrors this computer simulation of the development of the eye.

4.   Emulation within Parallel Architecture A more efficient method than computer simulations for implementing neural networks is to emulate within parallel architecture.

5.   His natural habitat is the graph, his occupation the computer simulation.

6.   In much the same way computer simulation has been used in bioengineering in the design of prosthesis such as artificial limbs or hips.

7.   It will also construct computer simulations of skill to help solve the design problems.

8.   Pilots receive additional training by means of computer simulations.

9.   This can be established by programs in which the actual experimental apparatus is linked to a computer simulation.

n. + simulation >>共 64
computer 69.43%
flight 4.86%
laboratory 2.29%
test 1.71%
supercomputer 1.43%
war 1.14%
golf 0.86%
crash 0.57%
race 0.57%
software 0.57%
computer + n. >>共 594
system 6.96%
network 5.12%
maker 3.78%
user 3.65%
screen 3.49%
company 3.20%
program 3.14%
industry 2.62%
software 2.36%
game 2.35%
simulation 0.91%
每页显示:    共 242