1.   The court heard Bedworth hacked for kicks and was so advanced he was able to change computer passwords.

2.   Business cards list e-mail addresses and computer passwords are remembered as easily as telephone numbers.

3.   Don K. Clark, a special FBI agent in Houston, said the activities under investigation included stealing and misusing credit card numbers and computer passwords.

4.   He claims others must have used his computer password to log onto a computer to make it appear that he was using the computer when he was not.

5.   He records keystrokes to discover computer passwords.

6.   In response, however, the online service has asked its staff to change their computer passwords.

7.   It means giving a friend access to your accounts, then letting him change all your computer passwords once you have left American soil.

8.   Never give your computer password to someone who asks for it online, even if they claim to work for your Internet provider.

9.   Several employees said FBI agents asked for their computer passwords and then went through their computer files and e-mail messages.

n. + password >>共 29
computer 36.11%
user 8.33%
module 5.56%
account 4.17%
default 4.17%
time 4.17%
transfer 4.17%
customer 2.78%
e-mail 2.78%
bank 1.39%
computer + n. >>共 594
system 6.96%
network 5.12%
maker 3.78%
user 3.65%
screen 3.49%
company 3.20%
program 3.14%
industry 2.62%
software 2.36%
game 2.35%
password 0.10%
每页显示:    共 26