1.   A computer genius named Kidd probes the death of a colleague.

2.   A lot of its computer geniuses are already sought by Silicon Valley.

3.   Aimee is a computer genius.

4.   But Gary Sinise, as the reclusive computer genius with whom she takes refuge, is all shtick in Coke-bottle glasses and ratty nerd clothes.

5.   Chacone, Lockwood and Dawson all become victims of the mad computer genius, who does things via the computer that will make your skin crawl.

6.   Computer geniuses are known to be temperamental, so your reputation should not be badly damaged by this small setback.

7.   I felt like a computer genius.

8.   I am definitely not a computer genius.

9.   I know that a lot of your friends are computer geniuses.

10.   I am not a computer genius, but I am not computer-stupid.

n. + genius >>共 54
computer 15.93%
boy 8.85%
math 7.08%
business 5.31%
football 5.31%
baseball 4.42%
soccer 3.54%
basketball 2.65%
child 2.65%
baby 1.77%
computer + n. >>共 594
system 6.96%
network 5.12%
maker 3.78%
user 3.65%
screen 3.49%
company 3.20%
program 3.14%
industry 2.62%
software 2.36%
game 2.35%
genius 0.07%
每页显示:    共 18