1.   Such compromise wage settlements protect senior employee wages while allowing these companies to hire new employees at substantially less.

2.   And, crucially, the main paramilitary groups on both sides were violently opposed to the idea of a compromise settlement.

3.   As you know, the Allied Delegations, after long deliberation . . . have accepted a compromise settlement.

4.   That reality makes a compromise settlement likely, punishing Clinton somehow but stopping short of kicking him out of office.

5.   With a small bipartisan group of committee colleagues, he has been scouting the possibilities of a compromise settlement of the impeachment issue.

6.   Barzani puts limited faith in Western promises to protect the Kurds and seeks a compromise settlement with Saddam that will give the Kurds a degree of autonomy.

7.   But the talks, sponsored by the British and Irish governments and led by former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell, have made little progress towards a compromise settlement.

8.   But Mowlam and Andrews emphasized that the negotiations must make conclusive progress toward a compromise settlement in the next six weeks.

9.   Clerides urged the international community to increase pressure on Turkey to agree to a compromise settlement based on U.N. resolutions.

10.   Estrada also said he is giving Mrs. Marcos a year to agree to a compromise settlement of the ill-gotten wealth charges or face further prosecution.

n. + settlement >>共 263
peace 40.71%
tobacco 9.46%
divorce 4.42%
class-action 2.74%
court 2.26%
cash 1.82%
contract 1.54%
lawsuit 1.49%
wage 1.49%
injury 1.44%
compromise 0.91%
compromise + n. >>共 140
bill 12.37%
proposal 9.60%
plan 7.93%
candidate 6.64%
deal 5.73%
solution 5.41%
agreement 5.09%
version 4.77%
measure 3.80%
formula 2.64%
settlement 1.22%
每页显示:    共 19