1.   A comprehensive review of contemporary school reorganization is beyond the scope of this paper.

2.   A comprehensive review of quantitative cross-national studies of political violence.

3.   A comprehensive review of the patient can be achieved through the use of the care plan.

4.   Again, this information was informative and served as a fairly comprehensive review of the work reported to date using these systems.

5.   Each funded several different but related enquiries which together would provide a comprehensive review of contemporary child care.

6.   It would have been desirable to cover all the library sectors in one comprehensive review.

7.   Their conclusion is based on a comprehensive review of all the previous studies.

8.   This is not excessive if all attachments are included and a comprehensive review of literature is included.

9.   This meeting welcomes the decision of the CLE to conduct a comprehensive review of its admissions and assessments procedures.

10.   This meeting welcomes the decision of the CLE to conduct a comprehensive review of its admission and assessments procedures with the involvement of the CRE.

a. + review >>共 735
rave 4.16%
judicial 4.14%
mixed 4.07%
independent 3.50%
good 2.99%
internal 2.26%
annual 2.25%
further 2.13%
comprehensive 1.86%
antitrust 1.66%
comprehensive + n. >>共 606
peace 7.36%
plan 3.77%
review 3.43%
settlement 2.93%
study 2.90%
coverage 2.37%
reform 1.71%
program 1.68%
package 1.50%
list 1.50%
每页显示:    共 109