1.   A comprehensive list is also available from the Pre-Retirement Association.

2.   Contact the museum or watch local press for a comprehensive list of current exhibitions.

3.   Each chapter begins with a brief introduction, and ends with a comprehensive list of references - typically in the hundreds.

4.   Here is a comprehensive list of the good hotels in the area.

5.   Insist that they send you a comprehensive list of all your direct debits and standing orders as soon as possible.

6.   The Topic Criteria provide a comprehensive list of mathematical skills and processes.

7.   What follows is not a comprehensive list - what other relevant questions can you identify?

8.   Of necessity this will be specific to a company in terms of its markets and capabilities and a comprehensive universal list is not practical.

a. + list >>共 1022
disabled 18.67%
injured 12.27%
long 10.02%
wine 2.62%
growing 2.59%
shopping 2.40%
complete 1.66%
new 1.42%
wanted 1.20%
full 1.15%
comprehensive 0.52%
comprehensive + n. >>共 606
peace 7.36%
plan 3.77%
review 3.43%
settlement 2.93%
study 2.90%
coverage 2.37%
reform 1.71%
program 1.68%
package 1.50%
list 1.50%
每页显示:    共 48