1.   Cap Juluca, a luxury resort on Anguilla, is also offering complimentary stays for days affected by a storm.

2.   Prizes include a complimentary stay at A Farmosa, Malacca and Annual Recipe Books from Berita Publishing.

3.   The Meridien Hotel in Latakia offered couples a three-night complimentary stay and gave the newlyweds gifts of small appliances.

4.   The prizes include Pierre Cardin watches, kose cosmetics and complimentary stays at Penang Mutiara Beach Resort.

a. + stay >>共 265
overnight 11.64%
long 7.36%
brief 6.73%
extended 6.10%
short 6.02%
longer 4.59%
minimum 4.59%
temporary 3.17%
week-long 1.82%
likely 1.74%
complimentary 0.32%
complimentary + n. >>共 147
ticket 8.65%
breakfast 5.54%
bottle 2.77%
room 2.42%
shuttle 2.42%
remark 2.42%
thing 2.42%
drink 2.08%
wine 2.08%
champagne 2.08%
stay 1.38%
每页显示:    共 4