1.   Guests receive many complimentary services including use of a cell phone, personalized stationery and business cards, local calls, incoming faxes, overnight shoe shines and pressing.

2.   Will this be a marriage in which two companies are strengthened because of their complimentary services?

3.   You might contact friendly Internet companies that offer complimentary services and find out who they use and what they pay.

4.   The information service is free of charge, and the company will provide a complimentary Internet service, tailored for those seeking overseas contacts.

a. + service >>共 873
financial 9.54%
new 4.00%
online 3.51%
military 3.51%
on-line 3.49%
emergency 2.98%
long-distance 1.82%
medical 1.67%
church 1.52%
local 1.25%
complimentary 0.01%
complimentary + n. >>共 147
ticket 8.65%
breakfast 5.54%
bottle 2.77%
room 2.42%
shuttle 2.42%
remark 2.42%
thing 2.42%
drink 2.08%
wine 2.08%
champagne 2.08%
service 1.38%
每页显示:    共 4