1.   Historically, this was driven by a complex web of lineage lines in which one set of loyalties was hedged against another.

2.   Social security legislation by contrast is a complex web of primary and secondary legislation.

3.   Since its inception, however, it had developed into a complex web of regulations which prevented civil servants from participating in most political activities.

4.   A breakthrough in the complex web of negotiation on the exchanges occurred in Syria in late November.

5.   Pro-Chinese elements had traditionally convened in the Federation of Trade Unions and through complex webs of professional, social and business organizations.

6.   Beginning with one uncomfortable truth and wind up with a complex web of things, including that which makes us happiest.

7.   A complex web of navigable waterways includes Sonoma Creek, Napa Slough, several unnamed brackish-water ponds, and fingers of the Napa River.

8.   All EU nations agree the complex web of procedures must be simplified before the EU is enlarged to include Eastern European nations.

9.   Bootlegging involves a complex web of personal, artistic and commercial rights and ethical issues.

10.   But Jimmie, who begins this new career with the necessary cynicism, becomes trapped in a complex psychological web of greed, guilt and creeping religious conviction.

a. + web >>共 180
complex 14.71%
tangled 10.86%
intricate 3.85%
global 3.85%
complicated 2.71%
worldwide 2.26%
vast 2.04%
growing 1.36%
elaborate 1.36%
new 1.36%
complex + n. >>共 1146
issue 4.06%
system 3.07%
problem 2.34%
process 1.93%
case 1.70%
relationship 1.40%
structure 1.38%
question 1.23%
web 1.22%
formula 1.05%
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