1.   The techno studio complex belonging to May, Saunderson and Atkins is one of the few expanding enterprises in central Detroit.

2.   And as he held his finger to his lips, she remembered that he had told her in strict confidence that the complex belonged to him.

3.   The most complex may have belonged to Ray Seals, the veteran defensive end who is enjoying one of his best seasons.

4.   Lukashenko, who has a residence down the road, turned that on its head Wednesday, claiming that the diplomatic complex belongs to him.

n. + belong >>共 1141
plane 2.21%
land 1.92%
day 1.85%
man 1.56%
night 1.45%
house 1.19%
job 1.08%
family 1.05%
money 1.05%
car 1.00%
complex 0.11%
complex + v. >>共 187
be 33.13%
have 9.38%
include 6.20%
house 1.51%
become 1.36%
offer 1.06%
feature 1.06%
fall 0.91%
take 0.91%
sit 0.91%
belong 0.61%
每页显示:    共 4