1.   Some elite downtown apartment complexes have also begun locking their outside doors at night and requiring tenants to ring a doorbell to be admitted to their own building.

2.   The complex began with the Caravan of Dreams theater and gradually expanded.

3.   Choi said he had just finished eating and entered the stairwell to go back to work when the complex began to shake.

4.   He had just finished eating and entered the stairwell to go back to work on the second floor when the complex began to shake.

5.   The stop may have saved his life because, as he entered the stairwell to go back to work on the second floor, the complex began to shake.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
police 0.93%
work 0.90%
game 0.72%
complex 0%
complex + v. >>共 187
be 33.13%
have 9.38%
include 6.20%
house 1.51%
become 1.36%
offer 1.06%
feature 1.06%
fall 0.91%
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