1.   It has reversed some policies, such as the hated Employment Contracts Act and the hasty privatisation of the accident compensation scheme.

2.   Specifically they agreed that Iberian needed to modify performance objectives for dealers and redo budgets and compensation schemes.

3.   There is a compensation scheme for radiation-linked diseases.

4.   The TUC and the Institute sought a compulsory compensation scheme similar to that successfully operated in Sweden.

5.   Joint compensation schemes use funds collected through charges and contributions to clean up or restore the environment.

6.   But sources say that Ministers are studying a possible package to extend the compensation scheme for VAT which is planned for pensioners and families with young children.

7.   Does the compensation scheme cover that?

8.   AOL is the first big tech firm to bring its new-economy compensation scheme to an old-economy company.

9.   But he told the co-conspirator that he intended to represent the stolen money as part of an illegal corporate compensation scheme.

10.   Congress may be free to establish a compensation scheme that operates without court participation.

n. + scheme >>共 733
pyramid 11.79%
investment 11.27%
color 5.84%
pension 3.43%
kickback 1.95%
saving 1.91%
tax 1.27%
retirement 1.11%
fraud 1.02%
compensation 0.96%
compensation + n. >>共 181
package 13.46%
claim 9.00%
fund 7.58%
payment 5.95%
plan 5.87%
issue 4.54%
program 3.20%
system 2.83%
scheme 2.30%
committee 2.23%
每页显示:    共 31