1.   Comparing many countries is susceptible to statistical analysis, which helps eliminate possible sources of selection bias and spuriousness.

2.   Comparing many countries is the best method for drawing inferences that have more global applicability.

3.   In comparative politics, the political scientist compares countries in an effort to verify the theories that have been formulated.

4.   Like de Schweinitz, Moore seeks to understand the relationship between processes of economic development and political form through comparing few countries.

5.   Second, for those studies that compare few countries, is the most different systems design or most similar systems design used?

6.   Studies that compare many countries tend to use quantitative techniques to uncover uniform patterns of variation in a small number of variables.

7.   Thus, some see these requirements as distinct disadvantages to comparing countries from a given region.

8.   But when countries are compared, the relative risks depend on what weights are assigned to different factors.

9.   South Korean officials say it is unfair to compare this country with one like the United States that has a long tradition of democracy and secure borders.

10.   The United Nations publishes alternative indexes that compare countries on the basis of longevity, education, literacy and other factors, as well as traditional economic output.

v. + country >>共 730
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compare + n. >>共 1190
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situation 1.59%
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group 0.78%
country 0.48%
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